ABB - TR 5002 Painting Robots with C5.3 control

ABB - TR 5002 Painting Robots with C5.3 control
ABB, Painting, robots, industrial, global, robots, IRB, TR, painting

Capacity:Hollow wrist suitable for 2 spray guns
Price:£28,000 GBP for NON EX
£28,500 GBP for EX

Notes : These TR 5002 Painting robots by ABB are in fantastic condition having been fully stripped down checked and refurbished buy our experienced, ex-ABB staff. Currently in NON EX specification they can be easily modified to full EX specification and approved to all European standards if needed.
EX Robots have a pressurised air system that prevents the ingress of harmful and potentially explosive solvents into the robot arm. This means that they are suitable for Zone 1 or Zone 2 installations. NON EX robots that use water based paints do not require the EX specification but still offer all the benifits of a specialised painting robot.

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ABB - IRB4400 M94A S4 Robot

ABB - IRB4400 M94A S4 Robot
The ABB 4400 S4 robot is one of the most sought after on the used market. There are two main reasons for this, firstly they are not used in large numbers in the automotive industry and secondly they are ideal for many medium capacity/reach applications. The 4400 has a small footprint, excellent speed and flexibility with a great combination of reach and capacity. The S4 controller gives stability and simplicity while providing excellent path following and accuracy.
The 4400 can be used in many applications including pick and place, machine tending, grinding, welding, de-burring, trimming, and sealing. For complete specifications and advice on choosing a robot please do not hesitate to contact us via phone or email.

Price:£10,000 GBP

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©2006 Global Robots Ltd.

Toyota creates a robot that plays the violin

The automaker Toyota intends to market by 2010 several robots able to perform all kinds of practical tasks. Their latest development are two automata: one can play the violin and the other is designed to help people with mobility problems.
Toyota says that to achieve its goal to commercialize robots for everyday tasks you plan to put to work in this field to 200 engineers over the next three years. He also built a factory specifically for these devices, which will be ready next year.In a demonstration held today, the Japanese company has taught a robot that measures five feet and shaped like a humanoid. What sets him apart from other robots is that it is capable of playing music with a violin. It is not your first robot musician, as developed in the past and another who played the trumpet.
It also showed a robot designed to help people with mobility problems in short transport. Looks like a motorized wheelchair.

The humanoid robot Nao 53 cm high made by Aldebaran Robotics

The humanoid robot Nao 53 cm high made by Aldebaran Robotics, has been a hit with fans of robots participating in RoboCup, the annual challenge of humanoid robots that play a football game.Nao, developed by the French company is replacing the Sony Aibo dog as a standard platform for the contest last year and has helped boost the popularity of the event among a select group of enthusiasts.

But this robot still has a ways to go before reaching the public at large.
The robot is fully programmable and is packed with features. With the humanoid can be adapted to many tasks and comes with an AMD x86 geocoding in 500 Mhz CPU, 1GB of flash memory, 256MB of SDRAM, two speakers, vision processing capabilities, Wi -fi connectivity and Ethernet port.

The robot has 25 degrees of freedom, which means it can do more than nod, look left and right and give a series of steps. This machine makes it very attractive for researchers and robotics enthusiasts who want to have a blank slate-robot and program themselves, says Chris Kilner, software engineer Aldebaran Robotics, a company based in Paris.
It is also the reason that Aldebaran is working to create a website for exchange of different behaviors that programs written to manipulate the robot.

Aldebaran has manufactured a little over 100 robots, since it launched in April. However, robots have been limited to research laboratories and universities. The next year, the company expects to expand its distribution to some early adopters. However, for general users, it is unlikely that you can get one before 2010, as the company tries to create a version that will appeal to consumers in general and larger-scale manufacturing.
Priced at $ 10,000 seems out of reach for most anyway

Space Competition 2010 - News of robotics and robots

Space Competition 2010
Called the Space Contest 2010 by INTA (National Institute of Aerospace Technology). One method is Space Robotics: Building a robot with capabilities for tracking? Victims? and dodging obstacles on a stage espacial.Un summary of the bases: * Dates: School year 2009-2010. * Subject: Satellite navigation. * Target group: undergraduate students of ESO, Middle Level Training Cycles and Bachelor of any school in Spain. * Deadline: Entries must be submitted between 1 January and 28 February 2010. * Team: Work will be performed by teams of three or four students and a teacher or tutor. * Categories: There will be two categories: one for students of second year of secondary students and one for intermediate training cycles and high school. * Methods: Robotic space, research, experimentation, narrative-comics and animation.

Honda's ASIMO robot controlled with the mind

The Research Institute of Honda has announced that it has just developed the latest version of ASIMO, the company famous robot that can dance, run or even guide people. This version is now equipped with so-called Brain Machine Interface (BMI ), which allows the robot to be directed with the mind. Works with a headset that gets measure brain activity and send signals to the machine. So, to move the robot only need to put the helmet and think about the movement we want to do. Now, the height of laziness. You can see some pictures and a video after the jump.

Honda launches new robot Asimo

Honda has presented its new model society of humanoid robot Asimo, which you see in the picture illustrating the story.
There are many advances that offers:
New features to function in social environments like an office, but can interact with people.
Speed of 6 km / h and 2.7 running on foot.
You can walk hand in hand with a person.
Know to carry objects using a cart.
Thus, Asimo can function in almost work as a receptionist or tour guide.

History of Honda Robots: ASIMO project to E0

Since the Czech writer Karel Capek in 1921 coined the term 'robot' in his play RUR (Rossum's Universal Robots), the evolution of the androids, their usefulness and the place would fill a medium-term future has led to inflamed discussions and has held thousands of pages in numerous books and essays on science fiction.

Almost all the works bet because robots would become part of our lives in a relatively short period of time and were almost done that in the early twenty-first century could be used to perform the toughest jobs and complicated but also for other more how to perform everyday shopping or walking the dog. Unfortunately, their estimates have run into the harsh reality: the evolution of robots is still very slow and costly.

If there is a company that has invested in the development and improvement of the technology needed to create androids has been Honda. Today we all know the ASIMO, a humanoid robot can run, climb stairs, recognize faces of their owners and even perform some simple task, but it should be remembered that this is the fruit of two decades of research that had their beginning in 1986.

It was in that year that Honda created the E0, a very rudimentary prototype biped 5 seconds needed to complete one step and that it lacked the human aspect of that is showing ASIMO, but that was the basis on which cemented further developments.

Searching on the net I just found a video containing images of this model. The lighting is very poor and poor image quality, but gives you an idea of what the E0:
The next generation of robots was formed by the models E1, E2 and E3, developed between 1987 and 1991. This is the aspect that had these three models:
The E1 was able to walk at 0.25 km / h, leading to discern a certain distinction of movement between both legs. Meanwhile, in E2 the Japanese manufacturer was one step further by creating the first model that simulated more or less realistic human walking, although he could only reach 1.2 km / h. This was achieved with the E3, aesthetic improvements that besides making it more pleasing to the eye, I could walk at 3 km / h, the same speed that we develop when we walk.

Honda introduced the second generation of the robot Asimo

Third-largest carmaker, known for his groundbreaking robotic technology, on Tuesday introduced the second generation of Asimo can also push a cart weighing up to 10 kilos, walking straight, sideways or backwards with it. With more joints and flexibility of movement, Asimo can also grip and carry a tray of drinks, and deposit it safely on the table. Demonstrating the latest tricks with video images, Honda introduced the robot than 130 cm tall addressing a mock visitor by name and showing the conference room, while maintaining a steady and natural distance from the guest.
"Welcome, Sato-san," Asimo said, bowing as mandated by the Japanese label.
Preprogrammed visitor's name, place of meeting and other data in an integrated circuit card bearing the visitor upon arrival, a worker can remotely send commands to Asimo, which will pick them up through a reader of the integrated circuit card. After seemingly simple tasks are a large number of advanced sensors, voice and image recognition and other technologies that Honda says it will apply to its automotive business to improve safety and other aspects.

The droid can also run twice as fast (6 kilometers per hour) that the prototype unveiled last December. Honda said it would begin using the new Asimo in research and development unit in Wako, near Tokyo, from spring 2006. Finally will be available for rent.