The humanoid robot Nao 53 cm high made by Aldebaran Robotics

The humanoid robot Nao 53 cm high made by Aldebaran Robotics, has been a hit with fans of robots participating in RoboCup, the annual challenge of humanoid robots that play a football game.Nao, developed by the French company is replacing the Sony Aibo dog as a standard platform for the contest last year and has helped boost the popularity of the event among a select group of enthusiasts.

But this robot still has a ways to go before reaching the public at large.
The robot is fully programmable and is packed with features. With the humanoid can be adapted to many tasks and comes with an AMD x86 geocoding in 500 Mhz CPU, 1GB of flash memory, 256MB of SDRAM, two speakers, vision processing capabilities, Wi -fi connectivity and Ethernet port.

The robot has 25 degrees of freedom, which means it can do more than nod, look left and right and give a series of steps. This machine makes it very attractive for researchers and robotics enthusiasts who want to have a blank slate-robot and program themselves, says Chris Kilner, software engineer Aldebaran Robotics, a company based in Paris.
It is also the reason that Aldebaran is working to create a website for exchange of different behaviors that programs written to manipulate the robot.

Aldebaran has manufactured a little over 100 robots, since it launched in April. However, robots have been limited to research laboratories and universities. The next year, the company expects to expand its distribution to some early adopters. However, for general users, it is unlikely that you can get one before 2010, as the company tries to create a version that will appeal to consumers in general and larger-scale manufacturing.
Priced at $ 10,000 seems out of reach for most anyway