A robot to take care of the elderly

EFE Scientists from the Chinese Institute of Technology, Harbin, in northeast country to finalize the details soon to launch a robot designed to market to care for older people living alone, state media reported today china. The robot, which cost between 30,000 and 50,000 yuan (4.000-7.000 dollars) may bring food and medicine, sounding alarms in the event that the house has leaks of water or gas, or send text messages to family and Video friends and even sing songs or play chess.
The apparatus of 1.6 meters in height, could be in stores within two or three years, according to the official stressed Xinhua Li Ruifeng, one of the project. The development of this project was commissioned by the Chinese Government to address the problem of rapid population aging china, one consequence of the one-child policy.

The country has 159 million people over 60 years, 12 percent of the total population and the limited success of nursing homes in the country makes it necessary, as estimated by the Chinese Ministry of Civil Affairs, some 10 million social workers and nurses to care for this population.

Students of the University of Chile in the world are preparing for China

The World Cup of Robotic Suzhou, China is a major international challenges
facing the group of students from theRobotics Lab of the Faculty of Physical Sciences and Mathematics from the University of Chile, led by academic Javier Ruiz del Solar.
Since 2003, teams that Robotic Soccer School have participated without
interruption in the tournament world of discipline, which represent a major
challenge to the undergraduate and graduate students who have been part of the
Have qualified to participate in the RoboCup world's 24 best teams in their
respective categories. In previous versions, teams of faculty have been among
the places 10th and 16th, but the next goal is to be among the first eight
positions in three categories. In the midst of an office full of folders, files
and books for research, Javier Ruiz del Solar, in an interview with Universia,
explains the scope of the trip, the unlimited contributions that can ensure the
development of a robot that is capable of analyzing their environment take
decisions, last year, among other advances.

"We participated in the
in 2003 and beyond the event of China's world, we have a research
project in mobile robotics, and the idea of these meetings is to validate the
results obtained, ie competencies that are instrumental used by researchers,
because it is the only way to compare the solutions developed by each team, not
that I am presenting an idea and the vein, rather prove it somehow, "says Ruiz
del Solar.
The professor added that the robotic soccer events are a kind of benchmark
(comparison of performance) with researchers around the world and basically has
been developed as a community and a sharing of information, therefore, during
the competition a conference where participants will set out the ideas. For
example, if a team that plays very well, others are implementing this idea for
the next world, and this makes the level go up every year. "

Having been elected, why the discipline of football, the expert explained that
"taken as a model because this sport is hard, it causes concern, because if the
robots to play golf would be far less popular, but also looked for a job as a
football robotic, which is a team effort, and if we manage to achieve a robot
means you can play football well perceive the environment, controlling your body
with great accuracy, has the ability to locate in an environment not closed,
share information with their 'fellow 'in a timely fashion. Therefore, if a robot
comes to playing football, it means that you can walk, run, jump, climb up and
down stairs. "

When asked how their feedback to those around them, the academic says that "in
general throughout the world called the attention, but I'm not sure I understand
it, believe it is a game which is like a hobby at a gathering of people who are
expert in video games. There are those who think they are remotely controlled,
but the truth is that the robots are autonomous. So far no one has been
indifferent. "
Overall objective to 2050: Beating a team of human

Javier Ruiz del Solar said that at the international level aimed at computers
that are part of the Robocup, which in the long run is that a team of humanoid
is able to defeat a group of humans. An ambitious goal, but not shy at all the
enthusiasm of the academics. "Even if it does not reach that goal, and the
attempt to achieve it, will contribute to unimagined scientific research."

Members and categories
U. Chile RoadRunners Team:

Paul Vallejos (Ph.D. Electrical Eng), Isao Parra (PhD Electrical Engineer),
Javier Testart (M.Sc. Electrical Eng), Ricardo Dodds (the 6th years Electrical
Eng), Rodrigo Asenjo (the 6th years Electrical Engineer), Felipe Larrain ( 4th
year Electrical Eng), Daniel Herrmann (4th year Electrical Eng), Carolina Vélez
(3rd years Electrical Engineer), Pablo Hevia (3rd years Electrical Engineer).

U. Chile HomeBreaker Team:

Mauricio Correa (Ph.D. Electrical Eng), Mauritius Mascaró (4th year Electrical
Engineer), Fernando Bernuy (4th year Electrical Eng), Juan Alejandro Vargas (4th
year Electrical Eng), Cristian Solis (4th year Electrical Engineer) Sebastian
Cubillos (4th year Electrical Eng), Simon Norambuena (4th year Electrical
Engineer), Andres Marinkovic (4th year Electrical Engineer), Javier Galaz (4th
year Electrical Eng).

U. Chile Kiltro Team:

Pablo Guerrero (PhD Electrical Engineer), Rodrigo Palma (Ph.D. Electrical Eng),
Matthew Sands (M.Sc. Electrical Eng), Roman Marchant (4th year Electrical
Engineer), Luis Alberto Herrera (2nd year Plan Common Eng), Daniel Dabed (2nd
year Plan Common Eng), Miguel Romero (4th year Computer Science), Sergio Angulo
(4th year Electrical Eng).

Ready to go on the market a helicopter robot technology china

Shenyang .- Chinese scientists announced they are ready to go on the market
a robotic helicopter that can fly china technology automatically without remote
control. The Shenyang Institute of Automation, under the China Academy of
Sciences, has developed two types of robot for the past four years, according to
an agency china information. The larger model of three meters in length, is about the size of a small car, weighs 120 kilograms and can carry a load of up to 40 kilograms. Also, you can
fly for four hours at a maximum speed of 100 kilometers per hour. The smallest
model weighs 40 kilograms and can carry a load of up to 15 kg., With a maximum
flight speed of 70 kilometers per hour.

Both robots have installed a camera that can collect aerial imagery and the
search for traces of certain objectives without delay. Researchers at the
Institute indicated that the robot can fly missions and coordinates assigned
based control programs when the gusts of wind blowing a force less than
six-speed (11 kilometers per hour).

"We have no marketing plan designed for the robot. But if there are orders, we
can start production on a small scale, with between 20 and 30," said one of the
project, who said that the Institute has no corporate for a large-scale
production. The development of robots has been funded by the central government and was
described as a key national research project in 2006 by its prospects for use in
information collection and transportation of cargo under difficult conditions
such as earthquakes or leakage of toxic gases . It can also be used to spray
insecticides over large tracts of land.

A flying robot to help China in its Antarctic expedition

A robot that can fly "like a mini-helicopter" and another that can be slipped on the ice to help Chinese scientists during the expedition to the Antarctic to be held in October, reported on Sunday, Xinhua news agency.

l air robot can fly for an hour and reaches speeds from 50 to 100 kilometers per hour and is equipped with a camera and an infrared radiometer for observing sea ice.
The second robot can slip between the cracks of the ice and snow slopes, said information.

"The use of robots can reduce the risk and cost of scientific research," said Qin Weijia, Polar Research Institute of China, according to the agency. "No matter how bad it is time, they can still work with normality. " The expedition of 200 men set seismic stations in Antarctica to measure tremors and tectonic movements on the continent, said the information.

Chinese scientists are developing a robot to take care of the elderly

Chinese scientists from the Institute of Technology Harbin, in north-eastern country, to finalize the details soon to launch a robot on the market designed to care for older people living alone, state media reported today china.

The robot, which cost between 30,000 and 50,000 yuan (4.000-7.000 dollars) may bring food and medicine, sounding alarms in the event that the house has leaks of water or gas, or send text messages to family and Video friends and even sing songs or play chess.

The apparatus of 1.6 meters in height, could be in stores within two or three years, according to the official stressed Xinhua Li Ruifeng, one of the project.

The development of this project was commissioned by the Chinese Government to address the problem of rapid population aging china, one consequence of the one-child policy. The country has 159 million people over 60 years, 12 percent of the total population and the limited success of nursing homes in the country makes it necessary, as estimated by the Chinese Ministry of Civil Affairs, some 10 million social workers and nurses to care for this population.

A robot-suit for the elderly and disabled

TOKYO .- A Japanese company introduced a spectacular event in Tokyo, a robot costume, a sort of cyber external skeleton which provides the movements for the elderly and the physically handicapped.
When the user finally packed the invention, known as Hal, his strength is increased significantly so that its creator, Yoshiyuki Sankai, who has a cree in commercial services to the elderly.

The robot, similar to that of many Japanese manga mills themselves, may also be used in rehabilitation programs for persons with physical disabilities, as they do not need much force to move it. Hal is equipped with several sensors that sense the movements of the body, which help users to perform actions that they could not carry out alone.

The robot suit also facilitates movements like getting up from a chair. (Foto: EFE)
The presentation event, held at the Japanese Ministry of Science, was a demonstration of the amazing capabilities of Hal, manufactured by the company Cyberdyne. A political test
Sankai called the secretary general of the National Institute of Science and Technology, Yoshitsugu Harada, to lift his left arm with sacks of rice as I could. Harada said just the second sack, and that each package weighed ten pounds.

Professor Sankai subsequently placed in the three packages of the robot arm, wearing one of his colleagues, who endured the weight of 30 pounds without any effort.
Japan is one of the countries where the population is aging rapidly, it is estimated that the sector of services for the elderly will live a significant flowering. During the prior explanation of his project, Professor Sankai recognized that the anime (Japanese animation) inspired some stage in the development of robot-suit Hal.

The Japanese robot starts without clothes in Fashion Week in Tokyo

Tokyo. (EFE) .- The female robot "HRP-4C" exceptional debut today as a model, but without clothes in the Fashion Week in Tokyo, where he presented to the public collections of young designers. Able to speak, smile, surprised and angry, this humanoid Japanese came to the catwalk to the beat of a music futurist and greeted the audience with a ceremonial bow to the Japanese style.

"Welcome to Project Shinmai (Fresh Rice)," said the robot with reference to the designers as it debuted with its Autumn-Winter collections in this eighth edition of Fashion Week and aiming to launch successfully in the Japanese market the "Prêt a Porter". With a height of 1.58 inches, the average women in Japan, and a weight of 43 kilograms, "HRP-4C" made a brief presentation of the parade and the crowd with a flirtatious wink, but never paraded throughout the entire gateway.

Once finished his short speech, the robot turned round with a soft contoneo and headed towards the back of the stage, leaving the details to appreciate some of the female which has been designed, including the buttocks and chest.

Developed by a scientific team from the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology of Japan, "HRP-4C" move your body aluminum black and silver thanks to thirty engines, which allow you to move your arms and legs, in addition to walking. The robot has a face of beauty typical of Japanese silicone with eight engines, which allow you to gesticulate and to express different emotions, like anger or surprise.

Gave the baton on to the catwalk models of flesh and blood wearing the latest designs for the coming winter of five young designers, two Japanese and three foreigners, who are trying to put a dent in the fashion market.The parades, which show new ideas nearly 40 brands, will take place in the central district of Roppongi until next Saturday.

Japanese robot mannequins can spy on customers

A Japanese company has developed a robot that, when placed in the window of a store, you can spy on who they are and what customers are buying, in addition to taking different attitudes towards them.

"The dummies can be quiet, but will operate as notice the presence of a new customer," said the designer of the robot, Tatsuya Matsui. "The dummy provides an attractive look to increase the desire of consumers to buy," said Matsui, who chairs Flower Robotics Inc. The female robot named 'palette' can imitate the most beautiful women in the world, such as moving them to use a memory that allows you to capture movements imitate the models of the fashion world.

But Palette can be transformed into an industrial spy, since it has a schedule that allows you to guess the age and sex of shoppers and even identify the bags they lead and pass the information to marketing departments.

Matsui developed Palette with the software company SGI Japan Ltd. and intends to begin selling this year at the mannequin in the fashion industry and services. The price has not been defined yet, but SGI wants to be as close as possible to the other costs of conventional dummies, 50 to $ 80, according to Hiroshi Otsuka, who is awaiting a promotion at SGI Japan.

There is an opportunity to change the concept of immobility, which has not changed in over a century, Otsuka said. Some people may remember the American film 'Mannequin', 1987, starring Andrew McCarthy. Elactor plays a department store salesman who falls for a mannequin and she was really an ancient Egyptian woman, the victim of a spell.

"The attention of the customer focus in the face of the wrist," said Matsui, the designer, noting that what we want is that buyers should be fixed in the clothing and jewelry that wears the dummy. Palette is available in two versions, full-length legs but not, or only the upper torso, ready to display jewelry.Matsui said in the future wants to design a Palette with legs, and is accompanied by a man and child mannequins.

Catcher Humanoid Robot

"UFO Catcher" is the name under which they are known in Japan to typical machines of the crane with tongs with which you have to get gifts. The newest machines "UFO Catcher" in Japan is one in which instead of a crane, you have to use is a humanoid robot to try to extract the gifts. If you see the following video, it seems easier than using the damn machines hook normal, almost always when it chooses.

Incredible World Fair in Japan robots

A growing global demand for industrial robots.
A record 199 companies and 66 organizations listed in the Irex 2007 to December 1 of the robot types, from industrial machines to humanoid bipedal. Specialists noted that the large number of exhibitors is due to increasing demand for industrial robots.

Attention is drawn to robots that serve people in areas like aged care, cleaning and monitoring of facilities. Other skills of the apparatus may be viewed by visitors on the last day, when bipedal robots face off in a fight. The organizers of the fair expect some 130,000 visitors this year.

Bipedal robots to the Japanese conquest of the Moon

The Strategic Headquarters for Space Development (Japanese space agency) has informed the Japanese government intends to send a satellite to the biped robot in 2020.

Specific details of the mission, including the budget and the technological demands for compliance, will be determined over the next two years by a special cabinet, responsible for the strategic development of space research. The development of a biped robot is part of the lunar new and ambitious plans for the Asian country to mark a new direction in its policy space. In a second step will be considered the joint exploration of the Moon with the participation of robots and humans.
The Japanese agency also recommended the promotion of research in military satellites, especially an early warning system to detect launches of ballistic missiles and technology to detect and analyze radio waves sent into space.
The progress of China and especially the launch of the satellite to North Korea that the Japanese accused of being in reality a test of long-range missiles, are behind this Japanese initiative.

The project of the robot: the end of the world is very close

One of my work, which I dedicate these months, is a project to be funded by the EU robots. Is classified in priority projects of the European Commission in the field of new technologies and innovation.

Researchers from 5 countries and 8 cities in the EU come together and try to create a kind of advanced autonomous robot-controlled camera and wifi networks. So far, centers in this field are Japan and United States. So I think the EU is trying to create a new center in Europe to compete with both countries and wants to take the lead in this field in the twenty-first century.

I find it interesting in the two following points:
1. The European Union takes this project to a common standard across countries and create a new platform. Each country has its own language for programing and using its protocol. To work with all countries and increase the productivity and competitiveness, it is necessary to unify standards and models. I believe that this project was created for exactly that through the long-term strategic planning.

2. On the strategy of using robot in Japan, it is thought that the robot used for household use. In United States, it is considered that the robot is for military use. This generates a question: in Europe, does the robot to serve? I believe that the robot has a role in the European public space. One of the characteristics of the city is, above all, the use of public space. This character, very strong, the city differs from other continents. Therefore, the identity of the robot in the EU must have a character related to public space.
The videos below are examples of robots invented by United States and Japan. Are the characteristics I mentioned above. But when I saw I had and I am afraid that the end of the world is already very close!

Museum and shop specializing in robots in Japan

Readers of CrunchGear fans of robotics, which are many, and surely are planning a trip to Nagoya (Japan) from October. This month is provided when you open a museum of robots, which have a department store called Robot Mirai Department with a stock of over 1,000 products, counting robots and accessories for them.

The stars of the store is small robots and dolls that its affordable price is supposed to sell better than the main attraction of the store, this tab robot.

A unique tournament fighting robots in Japan

The Japanese love robots and worry about upgrading every two feet, humanoid-type and can maintain a stable balance despite movements.
part in the International Robot Exhibition (IREX) and although strange to see these bipedal Metal beat them as the barravabras "drunk the board "or" English hooligans "is not every day. Contrary to what might be expected back from the tournament are not the big technology companies, but a teenager, housewives and many robotics enthusiasts in the country that not only ACUNA about 60% of the robots, but is its largest market worldwide.
"Companies can not make money making robots like these, the future of robotics depends on amateurs," said Terukazu Nishimura, director of the committee of Robo-One, in this regard.
EEST unique tournament to win and the title of strongest biped robot fighter's world, the participants need to be able to maintain balance while you dodge and hit, and getting up when they fall: A desfío!

Japan begins in exposure of the world most modern robots

Japan on Saturday opened the doors of the exhibition Robo Japan 2008 in Yokohama, which shows the world's most modern technology to build robots that will be open for three days.

YOKAHOMA, Japan, October 11 (Xinhua) - Japan on Saturday opened the doors of an exhibition showing the latest technology in the world to build robots, including the smallest walking robot in the world. The toy humanoid form, called "Robo-Q, measuring just 3.4 inches tall, and was introduced by the Japanese toy maker Tomy Co. at the Robo Japan 2008 exhibition in Yokohama, which will be open for three days.

The robot, the size of a thumb with two legs, can detect obstacles and move around a maze using infrared sensors integrated. Using a driver, you can even play football. The toy will release next spring, its manufacturers claim, adding that they expect to market it in other Asian countries as well as United States and Europe, although without specifying dates..
Japan on Saturday opened the doors of the exhibition Robo Japan 2008 in Yokohama, which shows the world's most modern technology to build robots that will be open for three days.

The exhibition in Yokohama brings together more than 100 different types of robots produced by a total of 43 companies, universities and organizations, including Honda Motor and Fujitsu.
Honda's popular humanoid, the "ASIMO" and the domestic help and talking robot from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries called "Wakamaru", are also present in the sample.

The University of Tokyo presented a robotic suit that allows women to people with physical disabilities or carrying heavy loads. Visitors have the opportunity to learn about robots, thanks to a scene of demonstrations and a variety of areas where robots are grouped thematically.

The organizers claim that the sample, which is expected to attract 55,000 visitors, focuses on these "fellow robots" that can offer various kinds of help in daily tasks, such as healthcare, education, entertainment and therapy.

According to the Manufacturers Association of Japan robots, it is expected that the market for robots related to daily life to reach 7.2 trillion yen by 2050.

The first girl robot Japan

Freaky presented, the first child robot in Japan, "the robot girl" looks like girl of five years. It is an android built to serve as a companion to seniors. It has much resemblance to the color, texture and flexibility of human skin and is a prototype based on the model of a girl Jones.

Freaky creation was carried out by a team of Japanese engineers from the University of Osaka presented publicly Repliee R-1, which in Castilian means replicating R-1 "in Castilian.

For the look of Android is the closest thing to a girl of that age, the Japanese designers choose a type of silicone for its color, texture and flexibility is in sight, much like human skin.

The robot, called freaky, has nine fiber-optic distributed sensors in the head (five in the eyes, mouth and one in three in the neck). Tactile sensors used in Repliee R-1 are tactile force sensors. The mechanism is similar to the human touch, because the sensors can detect force and tactile correspondingly generate movements in the android and the deformation of the skin (because wrinkles).

"The appearance of the robot is essentially a function, but the effect of appearance should be evaluated independently," explained the developers, the Japanese Takashi Minato, Michihiro Shimada, Hiroshi Ishiguro.

"In the future, we will develop a robot with the same amount of movement possibilities that a human being, with tactile sensors, optical sensors and audio covering the entire body," promised the four Japanese researchers in the report: "Development of a android robot for studying the interaction between humans and robots. "


Android built to serve as a companion to seniors. It has much resemblance to the color, texture and flexibility of human skin and is a prototype based on the model of a Japanese girl.
The establishment was conducted by a team of Japanese engineers from the University of Osaka presented publicly Repliee R-1, which in Castilian means replicating R-1 "in Castilian.
For the look of Android is the closest thing to a girl of that age, the Japanese designers choose a type of silicone for its color, texture and flexibility is in sight, much like human skin.

The robot, called freaky, has nine fiber-optic distributed sensors in the head (five in the eyes, mouth and one in three in the neck).
Touch sensors used in Repliee R-1 are tactile force sensors. The mechanism is similar to the human touch, because the sensors can detect force and tactile correspondingly generate movements in the android and the deformation of the skin (because wrinkles).

"The appearance of the robot is essentially a function, but the effect of appearance should be evaluated independently," explained the developers, the Japanese Takashi Minato, Michihiro Shimada, Hiroshi Ishiguro.

"In the future, we will develop a robot with the same amount of movement possibilities that a human being, with tactile sensors, optical sensors and audio covering the entire body," promised the four Japanese researchers in the report: "Development of a android robot for studying the interaction between humans and robots. "

The first robot store and museum in Japan

Our fellow Xataka advise fans of robotics to be booking their tickets to the city of Nagoya in Japan.
Because from October to open the first museum devoted entirely to robots of 2600 square meters with a specialized store with over 1,000 products of all kinds related to small automata.

In Robot Mirai Department, which is well known as the store, you can find all types of robots and accessories, as well as the star product: the robot this tab, a 39-cm humanoid designed to help with household chores

Spider robot in Japan

Japan is the land of the robots ... although this robotic spider that you see in the picture belongs to a group of French art that The Machine was part of the Expo Y150 in the city of Yokohama by 150 years of the opening of the port city.
It is an impressive spectacle, but do not think that the French technology is so advanced it would be great ... if the spider could really move their feet ... but in reality has a base that carries

Robot teacher in Japan

The Japanese are always at the forefront when it comes to technology and now even have a robot teacher is Saya, who prior to working as a receptionist and he had a huge success. The Japanese has a goal that every household (at least Japanese) is a robot at home in 2015.

Saya is the result of work of more than 15 years, dominating 7 different languages and has the ability to get angry if their students to behave incorrectly. Saya at first served as a receptionist and as well to work alongside the creators of Saya Japanese government has decided to further the project and adapted it to teach.

The purpose of the robot so far has been the same, implement and reduce costs. Until now, most robots are sold exercising secretaries and receptionists. Undoubtedly a breakthrough, but no, I give a little afraid that the term is equal and even many children prefer to have a robot as a teacher frustrated that the classical master classes.

Saya teacher Robot Japan

Remember Asimo, well ... Now comes "The Japanese robot master." Generates more realistic face expressions. "But the designer says that is not ready to replace human instructors. It's Honda Motors, and can express six basic emotions - surprise, fear, disgust, anger, happiness and sadness - because your skin rubber is pulled from behind by motors and cables around the eyes and mouth. " Thanks to Carlos Neri this information comes to hand. Surely we will soon issue Saya lesson and take the exams!

Grisly, presented to the girl-robot in Japan

It's called Repliee R-1 and 5 years. The machine was built to help the elderly or disabled drivers. The images are impressive .Based on a true child of five years, Repliee R-1 has 50 sensors, a series of engines that help it move forward and is covered with a suit of flexible silicone skin.

Scientists explained that the girl-robot has been built to help pensioners and people with motor disabilities. The company Cyberdyne Inc supposed to begin to manufacture these machines on a massive scale from Friday
Android Repliee Q2, is an almost perfect copy of the Japanese university Motoko Noma, which was displayed at a symposium held in Tokyo tecnologçia until last week.
The robot can do 42 types of movements very similar to the real human being like the twinkling of eyes, speech and breathing. Body motion is driven by an external control.
This marvel was developed at the School of Engineering, Osaka University by Department of machinery adapted systems.

The Japanese robot starts without clothes in Fashion Week in Tokyo

Tokyo. (EFE) .- The female robot "HRP-4C" exceptional debut today as a model, but without clothes in the Fashion Week in Tokyo, where he presented to the public collections of young designers.Able to speak, smile, surprised and angry, this humanoid Japanese came to the catwalk to the beat of a music futurist and greeted the audience with a ceremonial bow to the Japanese style.

"Welcome to Project Shinmai (Fresh Rice)," said the robot with reference to the designers as it debuted with its Autumn-Winter collections in this eighth edition of Fashion Week and aiming to launch successfully in the Japanese market the "Prêt a Porter".
With a height of 1.58 inches, the average women in Japan, and a weight of 43 kilograms, "HRP-4C" made a brief presentation of the parade and the crowd with a flirtatious wink, but never paraded throughout the entire gateway.

Once finished his short speech, the robot turned round with a soft contoneo and headed towards the back of the stage, leaving the details to appreciate some of the female which has been designed, including the buttocks and chest. Developed by a scientific team from the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology of Japan, "HRP-4C" move your body aluminum black and silver thanks to thirty engines, which allow you to move your arms and legs, in addition to walking.

The robot has a face of beauty typical of Japanese silicone with eight engines, which allow you to gesticulate and to express different emotions, like anger or surprise.
Gave the baton on to the catwalk models of flesh and blood wearing the latest designs for the coming winter of five young designers, two Japanese and three foreigners, who are trying to put a dent in the fashion market.

Japan builds more intelligent robots

Analysts say Japan is leading the world to develop a new generation of robots. Some scientists say that the wave is a technology that will change human lifestyles in a way more radical than the advent of the computer or cell phone. That world that was so long on television, the Los supersonic, is already a reality in Japan, where today's robots are used as receptionists, night watchmen, hospital workers, guides, pets and more.

The arrival of new robots led the government last month to establish a committee to draw up safety guidelines for those who want to have robots in homes and offices. They compiled a report in January predicting that every household in Japan will have at least one robot by 2015, perhaps earlier. Scientists and government officials named in 2005, unofficially, "the year of the robot." This year, humans will interact with the electronic robots as never before in the 2005 World Expo which opens on the outskirts of the city of Nagoya on March 25. There, it is expected that 15 million visitors can see some of the most developed examples of Japanese artificial intelligence, many of whom are already on sale or will be in the span of one year.

To greet visitors in four languages and will guide them to their destination Wakamaru, a robot of Mitsubishi. A trio of humanoid robots by Sony, Toyota and Honda will dance and play musical instruments at the opening ceremony. Parents who visit the exhibition may leave their children in the care of a nanny, the robot PaPeRo, NEC, recognizing children's faces and can notify parents by cell phone in an emergency.

Also you can see a robot-Wheelchair is handled independently in the street, recognizing traffic lights, for example, through a global positioning system and an integrated chip. In June, visitors to the exhibition can enter a robot room-a more distant future where, in 2020, just to mention a word from the chair, one can open the door of the refrigerator, while a robotic personal assistant We can bring the drinks we want.

In the search for artificial intelligence, United States may be as mature as Japan. But analysts point out that United States interest lies largely in military applications. Instead, the government, academic institutions and large corporations in Japan are investing millions of dollars on robots destined to alter everyday life. However, the robotic boom in Japan is also driven by unique societal needs. The Japanese faced a serious shortage of population due to very low birth rate, in addition to being the country with the highest average life on Earth.

The Japanese, then, wonder who will work in the factories of the second largest economy in the world in the coming years. Toyota, the largest manufacturer of autos in Japan, and generated a response to create a line of robots with human hands kind, able to perform multiple sophisticated tasks. Should be no surprise that robots have much resonance in Japan. Some believe that the Japanese dolls and toys are the first robots. Rather than the monstrous "Terminators" of American movies, the robots in Japan are seen as kind and even idealistic creatures, embodied by Astroboy, the Japanese pictures of the 60 on a guy with a big heart E.

"In Western countries, humanoid robots are still not widely accepted, but in Japan, yes," said Norihiro Hagit, director of the Laboratory of Intelligent Robotics and Communication ATR, near Kyoto. "One reason is religion. In the Japanese Shinto religion, we believe that all things have an inner god. But in Western countries, most believe in one God. For us, a robot can have an energy that is own. One example is the Stop-a robotic baby seal, developed with $ 10 million credit from the government, which went on sale for $ 3500. 200 units built were sold out in less than 50 hours.

Humanoid Robot list goes on and scolds Japanese classroom

TOKYO (AP) - The Japanese robot master pass list, smiles and scolds, provoking laughter from the students with realistic face. But its designer says that is not ready to replace human instructors.
Unlike most mechanical-looking robots like Asimo, Honda Motors, the master robot, called Saya, may express six basic emotions _ surprise, fear, disgust, anger, happiness and sadness because their skin _ of rubber is pulled back from motors and cables around the eyes and mouth.

In a demonstration, the robot's mouth opened, his eyes widened and his eyebrows were arched in the tone of surprise. Saya stretched his lips into a smile and said preprogrammed phrases as "thank you very much, moving lips, to express pleasure.

"The robots seem human that tend to be very dear to children and the elderly," said Wednesday Hiroshi Kobayashi, a professor of science at the University of Tokyo and founder of Saya, the Associated Press. "The children even begin to mourn them when Saya scolds."

Developed initially as a receptionist robot in 2004, Saya was tested in a real classroom in Tokyo this year with a handful of students in fifth and sixth grades, but still can not do much more than roll and shout orders like "Shut up! .

The children enjoyed a lot, Kobayashi recalled, smiling when Saya said their names. Still, it is controlled remotely by a person who observes the interaction by means of cameras, he said.

Japan and other countries have hope that the robot will eventually be a solution for its growing labor shortages, the aging population. But scientists say there is no machine capable of dealing with children and the elderly.

Japan launches' robot assistant 'that has human strength

Japan has taken a step toward the world of science fiction with the launch of a 'robot assistant' which can help workers lift heavy or disabled people to climb the stairs.
"Humans may become 'super' in the near future," said Yoshiyuki Sankai, professor and engineer at Tsukuba University who led the project. The robot, 15kg, with a powerful built-in battery, and named HAL-5, detects muscle movements through electrical signals from the skin to be amplified.

Too can move spontaneously and can help elderly or disabled to walk, said the promoters of the robot. The prototype will be exhibited at the World Expo which is taking place in Aichi (Japan).
Japan provides a growing market for technology designed around older people, which are becoming increasingly numerous in the eastern country. A government report last week suggested that the elderly were a record covering 19.5% of the population in 2004, and that percentage will grow rapidly, surpassing 35% in 2050.

Presented a master robot in Japan

Saya is a Japanese robot master pass list, smile, laugh, and berates the students with realistic face. Its creator, Hiroshi Kobayashi, a designer and teacher of science, University of Tokyo, said that is not ready to replace human instructors.
Today we published a note on the humanoid that was created several years ago to be a receptionist and has now been adapted to educational work. While their functions are still limited, and experts believe that much for a robot that could give lessons. What do you think about it? Then when a video was presented to Saya world, but his work as a receptionist.

Japanese robot model comes to the catwalks of Tokyo (video)

The cybernetic model, which weighs 43 kilograms and measured 1.58 meters, has a cost of two million dollars, its creators said that at the moment there are no plans to remove the market.
Tokyo .- From lab to photography sessions? Japanese humanoid robot will exhibit its hardware and software early on fashion.

The elegant HRP-4C battery operated motors are located in your body and face, allowing expressions, the poses and the passage of a supermodel, but point guard with assault black and silver color.

The cybernetic model of 43 kilos and 1.58 meters in height the March 23 parade on the catwalk of a fashion show in Tokyo. His new form is designed to fit into the average Japanese woman and has eyes, face and hair similar to the comics "anime" Japanese, said Masayoshi Kataoka, National Institute of Science and Technology who developed the robotic model.

At the moment there are no plans to market the robot HRP-4C, at a cost of two million dollars. Japan, where nearly half the world's 800,000 industrial robots, robotics industry plans to develop a 10,000 million dollars in the future, especially as attendees of its growing population of seniors. But the designers of the humanoid model say that their mission is only to entertain.

New robots for Japan

Japan slowly moves into a country worthy of leaving in the second part of I Robot. So we know Hector again first-hand from Tokyo.

And that is going in the country concerned that the birth rate is higher than the mortality and the pyramid of the population is close to its bottom and look for alternatives such as a new generation of robots that take care of people to get sick or too old to be care for themselves. The problem is that fear that areas so close to humans, robots can in any way harm the people and want all robots should have emergency shutdown buttons in an accessible and simple. Thus, at year end, Japan will become the country with the most advanced legislation on the world of robotics.

Technology, economy and environment

A couple of weeks ago I saw Wall-E and I must admit I quite liked. In principle, it is refreshing to see the ultraconservative Disney takes its original spirit (that of its founder, Walt) to tell a story of this nature. On the one hand, they risk making a story that (at least in the first half) has a minimum of dialogue, and poetic images that border on Dystopia, but more importantly, Disney is no longer politically correct speechifying and finally launches a clear message against consumerism and monopolies. Once again, corporations demonstrate something that is lacking many governments: self.

It is good to see the issue of ecology is slowly gaining strength in audiovisual speech. Glad to see that not everything died with the Oscar for An Inconvenient Truth and the Nobel Prize for Al Gore. Hopefully that of hybrid cars, as well as finding other sources of renewable energy are not only fashion.

It is also hopeful that some companies are discovering that recycling not only helps the earth, but their pockets. For example, the increasing price of oil and the increasingly high cost of air travel, Delta Airlines decided to remove the printing of tickets. Now everything will be through e-tickets, which not only simplifies the process and saves millions of dollars to the company but will also save tons of paper ...

It is also very interesting what happens in the world of free software. It's good to see companies like AMD are increasingly becoming involved with the development of operating systems with Linux kernel. And what has to do with the Linux environment? The truth is that the consumer does not have a philosophy, can be very helpful to the environment, not only for its philosophical aspect, but for its functionality.

Last week I spoke with a soundman who is considering purchasing equipment for post-production sound independently. When I asked him about his plan, he told me he is already preparing, but it first needs to sell his "pot" of Pentium III. It is right that the technology moves quickly, but ... Is that why we have to call pot a computer to do anything that helped us do our work perfectly for day to day? That is what philosophies as those of Microsoft or Apple do with us ... Require us to have 1.5 GB of RAM to use the new version of Word ... Almost two jigs to use a word processor! Same goes for Internet browsers, spreadsheets and other applications that are most common among regular users ... Do not use these applications with a lot less hardware requirements?
Of course it does, and this is where Linux distributions come . The last version of Debian, for example, can run with only 64 megs of RAM and 1 GB hard drive. That is enough power to run a good office suite, a good web browser and the most common programs that people need ... The best part is that a computer of these characteristics is achieved in almost given second-hand market, so it's a good way to recycle,And for my friend soundman at the end he recommended distribution argentina Musix, which is based on Knoppix and has dozens of applications for the production of audio ... I hope you can help.

New technologies such as a living surgical robot revolution

Professor of Digestive and Laparoscopic Surgery Miguel Angel Cuesta believed today that the new technologies "Mininvasive surgery" as the surgical robot, are undergoing "a revolution that continues," so that it will take about 5 years of use for more determine its scope.

Dr. Cuesta, currently practicing in the robotic surgery Medical Center and Free University of Amsterdam, offered together Azagra Professor Juan Santiago, chief of gastrointestinal surgery, the Hospital Center of Luxembourg, a press conference at the XVI National Meeting of Surgery, which closed today in San Sebastian and who have participated in more than 1,500 specialists.

Miguel Angel Cuesta said that both the robot as "intelligent operating rooms, intercom systems, or new instrumentation have revolutionized science in a way that have compelled surgical specialists to" relearn surgery and anatomy rediscover " .

Recalling that the laparoscopic technique resulted in the early 90 "the most important milestone of the surgery of the past one hundred years," explained that new technologies are being implemented now offer "incredible advantages" over conventional surgery, to permit "to operate with great precision and effectiveness, and with less trauma to the patient."

"What is more you can handle better," said the expert, who cited the advantages for the professional to see such a display in an artery of a millimeter in diameter increased sevenfold, to analyze three-dimensional bodies in eliminating or the trembling of human hands.The new technology allows further optimize learning "since the operations can be followed on-line for an unlimited number of professionals or students.

But he warned that technologies such as robot, whose use and development is currently in an "initial phase" is used since 2004 - are still "too expensive" because a unit is about one and a half million euros, as instrumentation to be added.The reduction of size is another of the ongoing challenges that the doctor said it cost, and profitability, as the "Da Vinci" is the only one that is marketed at present.In Spain, only three hospitals in Madrid, Seville and Barcelona have a robot for surgical interventions.

How to turn a mouse into a robot

Mice belong to the group of the most hated in the world, but it is also true that there is a group of people who want (WTF!).
Although I thickens the ranks of those who hate these animals (rather than hate, I feel sick!), I am not able to "peel", literally, later becoming a sort of robot.

Create a technology that allows you to control a robot with the mind

Controlling a robot with the mind is no longer a fantasy of science fiction to become a reality, thanks to new technology developed by Honda that allows a machine to move orders through the brain.
For now, the technology that Honda has defined as "brain machine interface," only to transmit commands to the robot movements involving simple.

The researchers reported that focus on making the machine smaller and lighter, and they hope that in future this technology may help people with problems in the spine to move their limbs.
In a video demostrasion in Tokyo, the brain orders a person registered by a team of MRI were relayed to the hands of a robot. The person next to the machine resonance closed fist, then stretched her fingers and finally made a mark on V. A few seconds later, the robot repeats the same movements.

Auto Robot Technology Japan

Toyota, as always at the forefront of automotive technology, has developed a kind of one-man vehicle to run on the motorway in a special lane in Japan. The specialty of this is that toys are handled by developing a vertical speed more or less acceptable, is reclining, I mean, you can be tilted from side to side. Something else, simply by pressing a button you can customize the color of the frame at will.


A recent report prepared by the Department of Ethics and Emerging Technology of the California State Polytechnic University for the Office of Naval Research of the Navy of the United States, warns about the dangers of the use of robots in combat and makes suggestions on the code conduct that should have, which could not be easier with the growing advancement of technologies in artificial intelligence. According to this study, one in the cognitive answered is how the algorithms used in real cases, where the consequences of a mistake can be catastrophic.
So I open this paragraph with the open after a controversial incident in Iraq with American soldiers and military robots, which has gone unnoticed by most media.
The U.S. Army has decided to withdraw combat robots deployed in Iraq, after an incident in which one of these devices began to move his weapon without instructions for the maneuver.
The robot is involved in the incident SWORD, a remotely operated robot that can be equipped with a wide range of weapons, although the preference is a 50 caliber machine gun.
These robots are driven by radio, and the incident was that one of them began to move his weapon without the operator for operating the controls. The most likely cause of failure is a software problem.
Although the robot did not open fire, and consequently there was no risk to the soldiers, the possibility that a device equipped with a machine gun can get out is worrying enough for the military has decided not to continue using these robots.
Iraq had deployed four of these armed robots, but planned to deploy 18 more.
The SWORD is a modified version of Talon, a robot that support the U.S. military has been using since 2000 in surveillance missions and deactivation of explosives.

"The military autonomous robots that will fight the wars of the future must be programmed to follow a strict" military code. "Otherwise, you risk the world to suffer untold atrocities at the hands of their steel."

A report prepared and funded by the Office of Naval Research, a secret high-tech and owned by the United States Navy, makes this stark warning and also includes considerations about a possible scenario in the style of 'Terminator' in which robots turned against their human owners.
The report, the first serious work of this nature on the ethics of robot soldiers, to foreshadow a future increasingly close, an era in which robots will be smart enough to make decisions on the battlefield so far reserved for humans. In the end, he warned, the robots could develop significant cognitive benefits on the soldiers of the species Homo Sapiens.

"There is a very common mistake is to believe that robots will do just that are programmed to do," says Patrick Lin, the coordinator of the report. "Unfortunately, this belief is seriously out of date: data from a time that the programs could only be written and understood by a single person."
The reality, Lin said, is that modern programs have millions of lines of code to write and teams of programmers, none of whom knows the program. Consequently, no individual could accurately predict how they would interact with different parts of large programs without extensive testing on the ground, an option that could either not be available or may be deliberately disabled by the designers of the robot soldiers.
The solution, he suggests, is to combine a standards-based programming with a period of 'learning' of things that can and can not be made in the war.

The report covers a wide variety of scenarios in which ethical issues looming, legal, social and political issues that will arise when the robot technology progresses. How do we protect our armies of robots against hackers or terrorist gangs of software bugs? Who gets blamed if a robot were crazy before a crowd of civilians: the robot, its developer, the U.S. president? Should robots have a 'suicide option' or should be programmed to defend your life?
The report, coordinated by the Department of Ethics and Emerging Technologies for Politéctica California State University, the U.S. military harshly warns against complacency and shortcuts, now that the designers of military robots are involved in the race to reach the market and is increasing the pace of advances in artificial intelligence.
The sense of urgency among the designers may have been accentuated by the Congressional mandate in 2010 to one third of all aircraft are operating drones attack in 2015 and they are also one third of all infantry fighting vehicles .
"The race to reach the market increases the risk of an inappropriate design or programming. Worse, without a significant and sustained effort to instill ethical codes autonomous systems, there is little hope that the first generations of such systems and robots are appropriate, therefore commit mistakes that could cost human lives, "warns the report.
A simple code of ethics in line with the 'Three Laws of Robotics "which ran in 1950, Isaac Asimov, the science fiction writer, will be insufficient to ensure ethical behavior by the autonomous military machines.
"We're going to need a code," says Lin. "These gadgets are military and can not be peaceful, so we have to think in terms of the ethics of war. We're going to need a warrior's code."
Principles or laws of Robotics, Isaac Asimov set in his fictional novel, written in 1950, "I Robot" were:
1) A robot must not attack a human or with their inaction, allow a human damage.
2) A robot must obeceder orders given by human beings except where such term is in conflict with the first made up of laws.
3) A robot must protect its own existence as long as it does not conflict with the first and second of these laws.
However with the gradual integration of robot soldiers in armed conflict breaks the first law in the larobótica fiction novel by Asimov, which have already been incorporated in the case of the Korean Government.

Why AI is dangerous?

To put it in one sentence, I would say that is because only a minority of cognitively possible sets of objectives set high on the continued survival of human beings and the structures that we value. Another reason is that we can not specify in sufficient detail what mathematical value to transfer to a new species without requiring much trouble.

It would be easy if we could transfer the group aims for a "typical human" or a "good person" and want the best. But there is one problem: we have no experimental evidence of what happens when a human being can alter their own objectives, or increase your own intelligence and / or physical power exponentially.

The little evidence we have of the stage where people can take many in a short time indicates that the results are not usually good. In fact, we have complicated democratic mechanisms built into our society to protect ourselves from these results.

Most AI designers are failing the challenge because no one wants to take responsibility for creating the first truly intelligent being. They just want to play with your program. The idea of taking any responsibility for the products of the research itself is a relatively recent concept, which has weight only in a minority of scientists and engineers, even today. This is normal because scientists and engineers are embedded in vast institutional apparatus that puts the responsibility so far up the chain of command that the actual researchers are exempt from most, if not total, responsibility. Let us return to original subject of all objectives. Here are some likely uses for more advanced AI technologies in the next 10-20 years:

Intelligence analysis and war games. Law enforcement. Analysis of interstate politics. Finance, banking, and investments. Control of robot combat. Automate workflows.

There are many others, but I put them on top of the list because they have more economic or political importance, and therefore get more money for research.

While the AI in these areas are progressing, the systems produce decisions from Iran only when they are explicitly asked to produce decisions continuously and automatically. When an employee check the computer for human input, is more like a tip in a jet cup and fill in the existing flow of knowledge and decision-making-of, rather than operate a light switch or press' run 'for a conventional computer program.

As entities that constantly think and make decisions, these systems have implicit IA maximum targets, whether persons or not the explicit program. The implicit goal of a maximum Automator workflow will accelerate the completion of productive work. The implicit goal of the robot will choose the finance actions to maximize the return on investment. The implicit goal of the IA will be fighting to kill or capture the persons specified by certain data files from your memory.

What makes AI so potentially dangerous is the lack of history of humanity and common sense that we take for granted. When the clock is 5, the majority of workers leave their work and finish the day. Go home and spend time with his family, watching TV or playing games, or just relax. A worker would have no such artificial "normal background" unless you schedule it. Is at work, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, while you continue taking your energy from the wall. That kind of monomaniacal dedication is what puts humanity at risk of an IA when it starts to leave the lab and enter in the real world. IA with a maximum implicit wish to strengthen these objectives and achieve goals more effectively, where the "objectives" are not the same as would a human being who has passed a piece of paper written with these objectives, but are represented in the context of the decision structure and worldview of the IA.

Rationality and reasonableness of the goals are not easily transferred to a mind without the knowledge and common sense embodied in every normal human being neurolígicamente. A blank slate intelligence sitting in the middle of a forest could develop models and make inferences about the many aspects of their environment, these trees are tall, these animals are moved but not the plants, the climate changes in cycles. But what about the inferences about "doing what is right"? Unable to get a `should 'of a thing. Putting an AI in a social environment with humans or other IA does not help, because without some deep-seated reasons for this strange thing to worry about "moral" in the first place, only one IA will cheerfully carrying out the objectives that have no subtlety originally allocated.

Achieved while improving the ability to graze their own intelligence or power of robotics, will continue to improve more and more to achieve those goals, and humans will be more and more difficult to reach and pass the motivation to worry about morale in the abstract. If AI in any of the previously cited applications the ability to overcome to achieve in a meaningful way, mentally or physically, the highest implicit goals that were given will be magnified many times. There will be little reason to modify the AI these goals, unless such flexibility mechanisms were explicitly programmed. When someone sees a human hunger, he tends to feel embarrassed and at least want to be able to help. When a human sees someone attacking a defenseless child, tends to get angry. For a typical IA, a hungry person or a child are attacked only relevant in the context of the objectives already has - "How does this human hunger for stock prices", or "Can you give me this information hungry human regarding the location of my next goal? "are two questions that may come to mind.

Freedom, empathy, self-determination, consensus building, conflict resolution, aesthetics, friendship and understanding ... these values and inclinations are automatically embedded in every human being without serious brain defects. For the IA a share, must be made in terms of lines of code and mathematical rigor. What programmer has time to do all that work when the general intelligence without a moral human appearance will be significantly easier to achieve?

This disparity in difficulty between general intelligence and general intelligence naked morally sophisticated is what makes AI so dangerous in the long term.

European scientists have invented a robot that learns math concepts

Scientists at the European research project XPERO have invented a robot that has the ability to learn basic physical and mathematical concepts and use them to move, announced today the University of Bonn-Rhein-Sieg in Sankt Augustin (West Germany).

concepts such as location or orientation through a system of coordinates.
Initially, the robot moves aimlessly around and fixed simultaneously recorded sensory data, which then used to produce a pattern or model. This pattern makes it possible, later, the android can anticipate the location of objects and how they vary their position when it moves.
The authors of the algorithm, and Ivan Jure Zabkar Bratke, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) stresses that "what a person is something trivial, a robot can lead to an enormous difficulty." He further explained that the android designed "has less knowledge than a baby," since it does not distinguish objects, but only spots of color and the edges of them.
Distinguish MANCHAS
"You do not have notions of the concept of an object or its position in a coordinate system, nor is it aware of how the system varies according to their own movements," he adds.
Therefore, the robot must not learn to tell a coordinate system, or how.
Scientists have developed a mechanism that allows the PLC to establish a routine that helps to remove the sensory data and to translate them into a model to help explain and anticipate what surrounds it. Using the same algorithm we have taught some physical concepts such as "flexibility" of an object or the "degree of freedom of movement."

What originally was considered a problem was academic in nature has a great technical importance, says project coordinator Erwin Prassler of the German University of Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (the west).
The project XPERO sets the groundwork for the first time in the future that will develop the key technology to give birth to the next generation of service robots that can clean the house, mow the lawn or cleaning the shoes. The androids that had been invented to date lack intelligence because they are pre-programmed devices, which are unable to export data that does not know or use operating systems that have not previously studied. However, service robots of the future may treat a large number of new concepts and models on the basis of knowledge and learning and sensory-alerts, and perform new tasks.
Automata XPERO project will provide a demonstration at the conference technological FET (Future and Emerging Technologies) this year, taking place in Prague between now and Thursday, April 23.


Robotics is a new discipline with its own problems, its foundations and its laws. Is twofold: the theory and practice. In the theoretical Gathering input from the auto, computer science and artificial intelligence. On a practical or technical aspects of construction are (mechanical, electronics) and management (control, programming). The robot then presents a decidedly transdisciplinary.
The first industrial robot was installed in 1961 at a General Motors plant in United States. After United States, the first to robotic industry were Japan and Sweden, while the remaining countries of the OECD robots was first introduced during the decade of the seventies.

However, the growing market of robotics did not take place until the mid-eighties when the cumulative annual rates of growth in the number of robots made more than 20 per 100. The strong growth in demand was mainly due to improved technology, the price of robots in industrial processes and added a number of factors directly related to the competitiveness of business.

The impact of robotic systems is bound to other variables (such as the introduction of new systems of organization, new technologies, globalization, offshoring of business, etc.) Influencing the trend of declining labor conflicts that characterized, according to experts interviewed, the development of advanced technological economies in the coming years.

Flexible automation technologies such as robots and flexible manufacturing systems are one of the elements that supports the "light output".

This production is characterized by the increase in organizational flexibility that allows the manufacture of a greater variety of products in short series. The slight shift to the production requires a series of multi-organizational changes of workers, new relationships with suppliers, etc., but also requires the adoption of technologies that integrate information flows, and flexible manufacturing technologies increase the degree of variability in production.

The robots we make the procedures seem very simple and, with a foolproof security, again and again the same operations. But appearances are deceptive: after a simple motion of lifting and placing a lot of underlying technology.

Two students design a robot to control leakage monoboyas

Two students in the second year of high school Odiel of Gibraleon, Raquel Garrido and Carlos Romero Romero Charro, have won the second prize of Jerome Ayanz on Industry and Technology, convened by the Chemical Industries Association Basic and Huelva (AIQB) and Delegación Provincial de Huelva of the Ministry of Education.

The award-winning work is called 'Design and simulation of a robotics system for the control of accidental leakage monoboyas', which was coordinated by Prof. Alberto Bouzón, the department's Technology Center said. This is a comprehensive work that even developed a prototype robot and perform test runs.

The award aims to foster Jeronimo de Ayanz among students Huelva knowledge of the industry of the province, an area with which to live and in the near future that could carry their work and professional career. At the same time seeks to encourage analytical skills, and expository writing students through the papers presented, either individually or in teams

Three Laws of Robotics

In science fiction the Three Laws of Robotics are a set of rules written by Isaac Asimov, which most of the robots from their novels and stories are designed to meet. In this universe, the laws are mathematical formulas printed on the trails positronic brain "of the robots (which today would call ROM). First appears in the story Runaround (1942), provides:
A robot must not injure a human being or, by inaction, allow a human being suffers harm.
A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders are in conflict with the First Law
A robot must protect its own existence, so far as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law

This formulation of laws is the conventional way in which the human stories of the state; would be the real form of an equivalent set of instructions and more complex in the brain of the robot.

Asimov attributed to the three Acts John W. Campbell, who would have drafted during a conversation held on December 23 of 1940. However, Campbell argues that Asimov and had thought, and simply expressed between the two in a more formal.

The three laws in a number of stories from Asimov, as shown in its full range of robots, as well as several related stories, and the series of novels out by Lucky Starr. They have also been used by other authors when they have worked in the fictional universe of Asimov, and frequent references to them in other works, both fiction and other genres.

Purpose :

These laws arise as a measure of protection for human beings. According to the Asimov, the conception of the laws of robotics want to counter an alleged "Frankenstein complex," ie, a fear that human beings developed compared to the machines that hypothetically might rebel and rise against their creators. Even trying to disobey a law, the robot's positronic brain be irreversibly damaged and die robot. A first level presents no problem to equip robots with such laws, after all, are machines created by man for his service. The complexity is that the robot can distinguish which cover all situations that the three laws, that is able to deduct at the time. For example in a particular situation to know whether a person is running or no damage, and deduct what the source of the damage.

The three laws of robotics represents the moral code of the robot. A robot will always act under the imperatives of his three laws. For all intents and purposes, a robot will behave as a being morally correct. However, it is legitimate to ask: Is it possible that a robot violates any of the three laws? Can a robot "damage" to a human being? Most of the Asimov robot stories were based on situations where despite the three laws, we could answer the above questions with "yes."

Asimov created a universe in which robots are key to over ten thousand years of human history and continue to have a decisive role for ten thousand years. It is logical to think that the level of development of robots vary over time, increasing their level of increasing complexity.

History of the Three Laws of Robotics

The first robots built on Earth (viewed, for example, I, Robot) models were developed recently. It was a time where robopsicología not yet developed. These robots could be faced with situations in which they were in conflict with their laws. One of the easiest situation is when a robot to harm a human being to keep two or suffer more damage. Here the robots decided on the basis of a purely quantitative approach, then left unused, to be forced to violate the first law.

Subsequent developments in robotics, allowed the construction of more complex circuits, with a greater capacity for self-reflection. One peculiarity is that robots could redefine their concept of "harm" as their experiences and to determine levels of it. His valuation of human beings can also be determined by the environment. So a robot could injure a human being to another to protect it considers most valuable, particularly his master. It could also be the case that a robot to physically harm a human being to another to avoid being damaged psychologically because it becomes a tendency to consider psychological harm more serious than physical. These situations would never have occurred in older robots. Poses Asimov robot stories in the most diverse situations, always considering the logical possibilities which could lead to robots with such situations.

The Act Zero

One can reach with fond Asimov robots, which shows in their stories robots increasingly "human". In Bicentennial Man, Asimov tells the story of Andrew Martin, born robot, and that struggle throughout his life to be recognized as a human being. Also R. Daneel Olivaw and R. Giskard Reventlov, which have a key role in the second expansion of humans and the subsequent founding of the Galactic Empire. Being the most complex robots ever created, were able to develop the law of robotics zero ( "Zero-law" in English) as a corollary of the first philosophical:
A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to suffer damage.

R. Giskard died in Robots and Empire, after being forced to harm a human being under the law zero. The fundamental problem with this law is to define "humanity" and to determine what constitutes a "harm" for Humanity. R. Daneel achieved through the sacrifice of assimilation Giskard, since becoming the protector in the shadow of humanity. Daneel under different identities, he became one of the most important cycle Trantor (formed by the robot stories and novels, novels of empire, and the saga of foundations: 17 books) is also a key element in continuity.


In principle it should be considered for autonomous intelligent machines that violate the law.

A missile can be considered intelligent and has no problem killing humans. A computer system that coordinates air strikes and land use in a military operations center violates the law. A police robot that could be created should be able to kill like the police man. This would involve reviewing the fundamental concepts that underpin a society. For example, if private property premium on human life, then the police should be able to kill humans to protect private property. That is a robot or a human did not make a difference because the result is the same.

The problem arises when considering a set of robots can take over the resources and enslave or annihilate the human no matter what humans are concerned. Any human regardless of race, religion or economic status would be treated the same way. This leaves aside the problem of humans who enslave one another and the genocide being committed against certain groups. Would it be more serious than what makes a group of robots?

In general science fiction movies like I, Robot pose an extremely intelligent robot may decide to control the destiny of humans and that this is unacceptable. These films suggest that the thought of a completely logical robot is unacceptable because emotions may regulate the conduct of a most appropriate way, more human.

It should be stressed that this would contravene the natural evolution. If robots are human creations and beyond us in intelligence and ability, then that humans are annihilated not pose a problem, because the robots would be a higher evolutionary state, and humans have been the missing link between apes and robots. The robots are evolving field.