Humanoid Robot list goes on and scolds Japanese classroom

TOKYO (AP) - The Japanese robot master pass list, smiles and scolds, provoking laughter from the students with realistic face. But its designer says that is not ready to replace human instructors.
Unlike most mechanical-looking robots like Asimo, Honda Motors, the master robot, called Saya, may express six basic emotions _ surprise, fear, disgust, anger, happiness and sadness because their skin _ of rubber is pulled back from motors and cables around the eyes and mouth.

In a demonstration, the robot's mouth opened, his eyes widened and his eyebrows were arched in the tone of surprise. Saya stretched his lips into a smile and said preprogrammed phrases as "thank you very much, moving lips, to express pleasure.

"The robots seem human that tend to be very dear to children and the elderly," said Wednesday Hiroshi Kobayashi, a professor of science at the University of Tokyo and founder of Saya, the Associated Press. "The children even begin to mourn them when Saya scolds."

Developed initially as a receptionist robot in 2004, Saya was tested in a real classroom in Tokyo this year with a handful of students in fifth and sixth grades, but still can not do much more than roll and shout orders like "Shut up! .

The children enjoyed a lot, Kobayashi recalled, smiling when Saya said their names. Still, it is controlled remotely by a person who observes the interaction by means of cameras, he said.

Japan and other countries have hope that the robot will eventually be a solution for its growing labor shortages, the aging population. But scientists say there is no machine capable of dealing with children and the elderly.