China uses an intelligent robot for the first time on an expedition to the North Pole

The robot, called "North Pole ARV, is the first autonomous vehicle Remote (ARV, for its initials in English) developed exclusively by Chinese scientists.
China used for the first time a robot intelligence in a scientific expedition to the North Pole, as the leader of the expedition, Zhang Haisheng, quoted today by the official news agency Xinhua.

The robot, called "North Pole ARV, is the first autonomous vehicle Remote (ARV, for its initials in English) developed exclusively by Chinese scientists and used to scan the ocean in three dimensions and in real time over the issue of third country Asia to the area.

Android, whose work is under the Arctic ice sheets is the result of the "863 plan" and was created by the Shenyang Institute of Automation (SIA) with the China Academy of Sciences.
The associate professor of SIA Shuo Li explained that "North Pole ARV" can function autonomously, with predetermined programs or by remote control and can communicate with the surface through micro-optics.

The temperature in the Arctic depths, salinity, ice thickness and the formation of the fund are some of the data that scientists hope to get through the new machine.
"North Pole" ARV weighs 350 kg and can operate within a radius of three kilometers and up to one hundred meters deep.