Now a "beautiful" robot android china

(Xinhua) - A Chinese robot that simulates a human (the first in the country) not only dazzled by his ability to talk, dance and watch, but they surprised those who see beauty.
Not yet baptized, measuring 168 centimeters, weighs 60 kilos and can work as a guide, receptionist and master of ceremonies.
Her face, built with glass fiber and plastic, simulating a beautiful female face and her eyes can move.
Li Chengrong, principal designer of the robot, said the robot is equipped with the most advanced system of voice and movement and that can interact with people. The researcher and his team have devoted years to develop and make 'a beautiful robot.
'Their predecessors' Pang Pang' and 'Fei Fei' eyes were cardboard. But is not only beautiful, but is equipped with technology to interact with people, "said Li, who is a researcher at the Institute of Automation of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
'The' robot can respond to people and say things like 'thanks, you too you are very handsome. " Although this is still a limited vocabulary in the future be able to speak with fluency.
As their destination is the Museum of Sichuan, where exercise guide and receptionist, is scheduled to speak with the accent and dialect of the area.
Li noted that the cost of the robot was 300,000 yuan (37,500 U.S. dollars). If there are 100 units per year price decline to 100,000 yuan.
The new robot will be marketed next year. The potential buyers include hotels and entertainment venues.
Li acknowledged that the artificial intelligence technology in China is still very limited.
Currently, the most advanced robot Asimo, produced by the Japanese car manufacturer Honda. Asimo, who can walk a mile on the hour and go up and down stairs, it costs $ 1 million.
Pity that there is no clear picture of this robot is female.