The first girl robot Japan

Freaky presented, the first child robot in Japan, "the robot girl" looks like girl of five years. It is an android built to serve as a companion to seniors. It has much resemblance to the color, texture and flexibility of human skin and is a prototype based on the model of a girl Jones.

Freaky creation was carried out by a team of Japanese engineers from the University of Osaka presented publicly Repliee R-1, which in Castilian means replicating R-1 "in Castilian.

For the look of Android is the closest thing to a girl of that age, the Japanese designers choose a type of silicone for its color, texture and flexibility is in sight, much like human skin.

The robot, called freaky, has nine fiber-optic distributed sensors in the head (five in the eyes, mouth and one in three in the neck). Tactile sensors used in Repliee R-1 are tactile force sensors. The mechanism is similar to the human touch, because the sensors can detect force and tactile correspondingly generate movements in the android and the deformation of the skin (because wrinkles).

"The appearance of the robot is essentially a function, but the effect of appearance should be evaluated independently," explained the developers, the Japanese Takashi Minato, Michihiro Shimada, Hiroshi Ishiguro.

"In the future, we will develop a robot with the same amount of movement possibilities that a human being, with tactile sensors, optical sensors and audio covering the entire body," promised the four Japanese researchers in the report: "Development of a android robot for studying the interaction between humans and robots. "