Two students design a robot to control leakage monoboyas

Two students in the second year of high school Odiel of Gibraleon, Raquel Garrido and Carlos Romero Romero Charro, have won the second prize of Jerome Ayanz on Industry and Technology, convened by the Chemical Industries Association Basic and Huelva (AIQB) and Delegación Provincial de Huelva of the Ministry of Education.

The award-winning work is called 'Design and simulation of a robotics system for the control of accidental leakage monoboyas', which was coordinated by Prof. Alberto Bouzón, the department's Technology Center said. This is a comprehensive work that even developed a prototype robot and perform test runs.

The award aims to foster Jeronimo de Ayanz among students Huelva knowledge of the industry of the province, an area with which to live and in the near future that could carry their work and professional career. At the same time seeks to encourage analytical skills, and expository writing students through the papers presented, either individually or in teams