New technologies such as a living surgical robot revolution

Professor of Digestive and Laparoscopic Surgery Miguel Angel Cuesta believed today that the new technologies "Mininvasive surgery" as the surgical robot, are undergoing "a revolution that continues," so that it will take about 5 years of use for more determine its scope.

Dr. Cuesta, currently practicing in the robotic surgery Medical Center and Free University of Amsterdam, offered together Azagra Professor Juan Santiago, chief of gastrointestinal surgery, the Hospital Center of Luxembourg, a press conference at the XVI National Meeting of Surgery, which closed today in San Sebastian and who have participated in more than 1,500 specialists.

Miguel Angel Cuesta said that both the robot as "intelligent operating rooms, intercom systems, or new instrumentation have revolutionized science in a way that have compelled surgical specialists to" relearn surgery and anatomy rediscover " .

Recalling that the laparoscopic technique resulted in the early 90 "the most important milestone of the surgery of the past one hundred years," explained that new technologies are being implemented now offer "incredible advantages" over conventional surgery, to permit "to operate with great precision and effectiveness, and with less trauma to the patient."

"What is more you can handle better," said the expert, who cited the advantages for the professional to see such a display in an artery of a millimeter in diameter increased sevenfold, to analyze three-dimensional bodies in eliminating or the trembling of human hands.The new technology allows further optimize learning "since the operations can be followed on-line for an unlimited number of professionals or students.

But he warned that technologies such as robot, whose use and development is currently in an "initial phase" is used since 2004 - are still "too expensive" because a unit is about one and a half million euros, as instrumentation to be added.The reduction of size is another of the ongoing challenges that the doctor said it cost, and profitability, as the "Da Vinci" is the only one that is marketed at present.In Spain, only three hospitals in Madrid, Seville and Barcelona have a robot for surgical interventions.