A unique tournament fighting robots in Japan

The Japanese love robots and worry about upgrading every two feet, humanoid-type and can maintain a stable balance despite movements.
part in the International Robot Exhibition (IREX) and although strange to see these bipedal Metal beat them as the barravabras "drunk the board "or" English hooligans "is not every day. Contrary to what might be expected back from the tournament are not the big technology companies, but a teenager, housewives and many robotics enthusiasts in the country that not only ACUNA about 60% of the robots, but is its largest market worldwide.
"Companies can not make money making robots like these, the future of robotics depends on amateurs," said Terukazu Nishimura, director of the committee of Robo-One, in this regard.
EEST unique tournament to win and the title of strongest biped robot fighter's world, the participants need to be able to maintain balance while you dodge and hit, and getting up when they fall: A desfĂ­o!