graph shows the distribution of robots worldwide compared with the number of human workers, ie, there are many industrial robots per 10,000 workers in the same sector in each country. Robotics never ceases to surprise us. The latter is a great alternative if no friends or you're an only child. Now you can play the legendary and simple game of Pong against a machine and we do not mean the computer, but an opponent to be physical with you while crushing the keys.

In total there is already a million robots around the world and especially Japan stresses as expected, with a huge difference on the following. Spain is ranked # 10 of the world, which could be said that is not bad.

By region, surprisingly, Europe is ahead of America, which in turn is ahead of Asia. Other details are curious in Japan are installed almost 5 new robots every hour in Germany and that the ratio between robots and human workers in the automotive sector is 7 to 1. 33% of robots are used in the automotive and 10% globally in the manufacture of electronic products.
Our contricante is a robot that uses a webcam to display the game screen, solenoids fingers to press the keyboard and a laptop computer as the brain. A formidable rival, and probably never committed any errors. So you can confront him for ever and ever, until the computer is lost or loses power. In the video we show how to defend against a human.
the University of California and the Association of DARPA, he managed to control rhinoceros beetles by radio.Atravez signs of a module located in the shell of six arthropod control electrodes connected to the brain and muscles of the insect. The complete apparatus is very light, weighing about 1.3 grams, which is considerably less than 3 grams you can load these beetles. With time they plan to use insect biological sensors (eyes, for example, to see images), and the same energy to operate the control module.
see what can make this robot developed by the University of Waseda.Los engineers instead of focusing on the development of legs "skilful" like the Honda Asimo, have focused on developing hands "skilful." The Twendy-one is capable of starting an egg, put a straw in a glass, put bread in a toaster with tweezers, set the table etc..

Here are some detailed photos of the structure of the hands and what Twendy-one can do with them.