The project of the robot: the end of the world is very close

One of my work, which I dedicate these months, is a project to be funded by the EU robots. Is classified in priority projects of the European Commission in the field of new technologies and innovation.

Researchers from 5 countries and 8 cities in the EU come together and try to create a kind of advanced autonomous robot-controlled camera and wifi networks. So far, centers in this field are Japan and United States. So I think the EU is trying to create a new center in Europe to compete with both countries and wants to take the lead in this field in the twenty-first century.

I find it interesting in the two following points:
1. The European Union takes this project to a common standard across countries and create a new platform. Each country has its own language for programing and using its protocol. To work with all countries and increase the productivity and competitiveness, it is necessary to unify standards and models. I believe that this project was created for exactly that through the long-term strategic planning.

2. On the strategy of using robot in Japan, it is thought that the robot used for household use. In United States, it is considered that the robot is for military use. This generates a question: in Europe, does the robot to serve? I believe that the robot has a role in the European public space. One of the characteristics of the city is, above all, the use of public space. This character, very strong, the city differs from other continents. Therefore, the identity of the robot in the EU must have a character related to public space.
The videos below are examples of robots invented by United States and Japan. Are the characteristics I mentioned above. But when I saw I had and I am afraid that the end of the world is already very close!