
Robotics is a new discipline with its own problems, its foundations and its laws. Is twofold: the theory and practice. In the theoretical Gathering input from the auto, computer science and artificial intelligence. On a practical or technical aspects of construction are (mechanical, electronics) and management (control, programming). The robot then presents a decidedly transdisciplinary.
The first industrial robot was installed in 1961 at a General Motors plant in United States. After United States, the first to robotic industry were Japan and Sweden, while the remaining countries of the OECD robots was first introduced during the decade of the seventies.

However, the growing market of robotics did not take place until the mid-eighties when the cumulative annual rates of growth in the number of robots made more than 20 per 100. The strong growth in demand was mainly due to improved technology, the price of robots in industrial processes and added a number of factors directly related to the competitiveness of business.

The impact of robotic systems is bound to other variables (such as the introduction of new systems of organization, new technologies, globalization, offshoring of business, etc.) Influencing the trend of declining labor conflicts that characterized, according to experts interviewed, the development of advanced technological economies in the coming years.

Flexible automation technologies such as robots and flexible manufacturing systems are one of the elements that supports the "light output".

This production is characterized by the increase in organizational flexibility that allows the manufacture of a greater variety of products in short series. The slight shift to the production requires a series of multi-organizational changes of workers, new relationships with suppliers, etc., but also requires the adoption of technologies that integrate information flows, and flexible manufacturing technologies increase the degree of variability in production.

The robots we make the procedures seem very simple and, with a foolproof security, again and again the same operations. But appearances are deceptive: after a simple motion of lifting and placing a lot of underlying technology.